Midwifery and Gynecology Admission - Emergency, Pregnancy Pathology and Consultation Department, Antakalnio str. 57

All of the needed information, registration for consultations, registration for operations is provided by phone: +370 658 23923, (8 5) 234 2058 from 10.00 to 19.00.


The clinic of midwfery and gynecology provides outpatient specialist consultation services. You can register for a consultation with a specialist by calling (8 5) 234 20 58 or by visiting the Department of Midwefery and Gynecology, Emergency, Pregnancy Pathology and Consultation Department.

The doors of the department are open to every pregnant woman in Lithuania at any time of the day.

It treats pregnant women with complicated pregnancies, fetal disorders, and pregnant patients with severe blood, kidney, cardiovascular and other diseases.

During the general visit of the clinic staff, midwifes-gynecologists together with neonatologists and, if necessary, internal medicine doctors, geneticists, pediatric cardiologists and other specialists discuss the health problems of each pregnant woman and the expected growth and development of the newborn, newborn care.

There is a paid individual ward service in the department. The price of the service is 30.90 Eur per day.

The department has a DAY STATIONARY HOSPITAL, where patients are treated only during the day - the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman, the fetal heart tones are monitored, and the necessary tests are performed. In the evening, the patient returns home. Treatment can last up to 14 days.

There are 13 beds in the department and 6 beds in the Midwifery Day Stationary Hospital.


REGISTRATION FOR CONSULTATIONS                                                        +370 658 239 23

REGISTRATION OF PARENTS AND PREGNAN  T WOMEN                          +370 5 239 14 86

REGISTRATION OF GYNECOLOGICAL PATIENTS                                       +370 5 234 20 58

ROOM OF PERINATAL CONSULTATIONS                                                     +370 5 239 14 88

SCHOOL FOR PREGNANT WOMEN                                                             +370 5 239 14 86

Head of the Department Gražina Jakubauskienė                                           +370 5 239 14 95

Senior midwife Inrida Semaškienė                                                                 +370 5 210 40 66

VšĮ Vilniaus miesto klinikinė ligoninė, Antakalnio g. 57, LT-10207 Vilnius.
Kodas 302692454. Duomenys kaupiami ir saugomi Juridinių asmenų registre.
A. s. LT867044060007990186 AB SEB banke, b. k. 70440, PVM mokėtojo kodas LT100006560213.
Tel. (8 5) 234 44 87, faks. (8 5) 234 69 66, el. paštas info@vmkl.lt
